Originally published on abnewswire.com
Adam Ferrari, founder of the private oil and gas company Ferrari Energy, has close ties to the community and has made it a priority to support various organizations. Under his leadership, Ferrari Energy has contributed to various non-profits in the greater Denver and Chicago areas. Now, Adam Ferrari is going the extra mile to empower health science students to provide better care for patients with physical disabilities.
Ferrari Energy supports multiple non-profit organizations, including St. Jude Children’s Hospital, Freedom Service Dogs, Denver Rescue Mission, Coats for Colorado, and Next Steps of Chicago.
Ferrari’s new scholarship, the Adam Ferrari Health Science Scholarship, is geared towards students who strive to attend college and study health science. Applicants must meet the eligibility requirements and submit an essay to apply for the one-thousand-dollar scholarship. The essay topic revolves around describing any prior experience obtained working with patients with physical disabilities. In addition, potential candidates must detail the personal appeal behind pursuing a career providing care to patients with physical disabilities. Such a topic lies close to Ferrari’s heart due to one of his close family members suffering from transverse myelitis.
To meet the eligibility requirements, applicants must be either a high school senior who has received acceptance into an accredited college or university or a currently enrolled full-time student at an accredited college or university. Students must also be on track towards achieving a health science degree while having a future interest in caring for and working with patients with physical disabilities. The minimum GPA requirement for the scholarship is a three-point-five.
The submission deadline for applications is January 15th, 2021. One student will be selected to be awarded the Adam Ferrari Health Science Scholarship along with the one-thousand-dollar education funding. The candidate with the best submission will be announced in January of 2021. The winner will have two weeks to accept the scholarship from the day they are notified by email. A winner can be disqualified and lose their award if they do not accept it within the two-week period. If such a situation occurs, then a new winner will be chosen and announced to take the disqualified individual’s place. For the winner who accepts the scholarship, the Adam Ferrari Health Science Scholarship committee reserves the right to ask for additional information from the winner, including but not limited to documentation in support of the information provided by the winning contestant.
For more information regarding the Adam Ferrari Health Science Scholarship and its eligibility requirements, visit www.adamferrarischolarship.com
About Adam Ferrari
Adam Ferrari is the founder of mineral acquisitions company Ferrari Energy. Through the successes at Ferrari Energy, the company has given back to various organizations in the greater Denver and Chicago regions, both cities that he has taken residence in and maintains strong ties to. Under his leadership, Ferrari Energy actively made annual donations to various non-profit organizations, including St. Jude Children’s Hospital, Freedom Service Dogs, Denver Rescue Mission, Coats for Colorado, and Next Steps of Chicago. His heart is especially close to Next Steps, which supports people with paralysis because one of his beloved family members suffers from this condition. Ferrari Energy encourages all who can find ways to make a difference in the lives of those who are less fortunate.